Gleejourneycontinues Wiki

Name: Lesa Wall

Age/Grade: 16/Sophomore

Back Story: Her parents were killed in an accident when she was 12 and now is living with her grandmother.

Personality: She is steady, reliable person who only rarely get frazzled or upset. She will almost never lose course and will remain level no matter what chaos surrounds her. She knows her own strength but usually handles situations with dignity and self-control. Push her too far, though, and she can suddenly turn into a raging bull, and once this happens, she will be difficult to calm. She is stubborn. Once she forms an opinion, she is immovable, and nothing will change her mind. She likes the good life, but tends to be careful with money, slowly building up wealth as she goes.

Sexuality: Lesbian

Extra Information:

Possible Friends:Jasmine and Zach
